+7(4242)30-05-05, 30-05-08Address:
693007, Russia, Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 32 Tihookeanskaya St., of. 2E-mail:
![]() Customs Veterans and Officers Social Foundation transfers its customs representative service rights and obligations to specially established "S.V.T.S.-HOLDING" LLC. 27.09.2011
In partnership with "AncorSnab" LLC, "T.K. - HOLDING" opens its branch in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in October 2011. 14.07.2011
ProcurementProcurement "AncorSnab" LLC offers complex procurement services to companies of different business areas. Depending on customer's request: Upon your request we look for goods with required characteristics, technical data from Russian and foreign manufacturers and offer you options for consideration. After approval we purchase goods, maintain all financial, documental, transport, customs and other procedures by our own means. or Under your agreement with foreign partner and in accordance with a price and range agreed, on your behalf we receive goods from manufacturer/supplier and maintain all documental, transport, customs and other procedures by our own means. You receive required goods in agreed time and place. Purchasing procedure includes the following: